Script to Remotely Reset Cisco 7900 Series Phones through Telnet

I used AutoIT to create the following script to reset my Cisco 7940 IP Phones. It could be modified to script almost any telnet commands. It uses a file called “phones.txt” with a list of IP addresses (one on each line). Make sure you have that in the same directory.

Let me know if there is an interest in a compiled EXE version of this script that prompts for the password and I can put that together here.

The script follows:

<br /> $phonestxt = FileOpen("phones.txt",0)<br /> $couldntreset = "I couldn't reset the following phones:"<br /> $failedonce = 0<br /> $endoffile = 0
While 1<br />
$phonesIP = FileReadLine($phonestxt)<br /> if @error = 1 Then<br /> MsgBox(0,"Error!","Couldn't read phones.txt")<br /> Exit<br /> ElseIf @error = -1 Then<br /> $endoffile = 1<br /> EndIf
<br /> If $phonesIP <> "" then<br /> TCPStartup()<br /> Dim $IPtoTelnetTo = $phonesIP<br /> Dim $port = "23"<br /> Dim $ConnectedSocket = -1<br /> $ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($IPtoTelnetTo, $port)<br /> If $ConnectedSocket = -1 Then<br /> $failedonce = 1<br /> $couldntreset = $couldntreset & " " & $phonesIP & ","<br /> EndIf
Sleep('200')<br /> TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "PASSWORD" & @CRLF)<br /> Sleep('200')<br /> TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "reset" & @CRLF)<br /> TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket)<br /> TCPShutdown()<br /> EndIf
<br /> If $endoffile = 1 Then<br /> If $failedonce = 1 then<br /> MsgBox(0,"Error!",$couldntreset)<br /> Else<br /> MsgBox(0,"Complete","All phones have been reset")<br /> EndIf<br /> Exit<br /> EndIf