Wed, Aug 19, 2009
When viewing a calendar in Month view in Microsoft Outlook 2007, appointment entries appear as very thin horizontal lines.
Set the details selection at the top middle of the calendar to High instead of Medium or Low.
Wed, Aug 19, 2009
When launching Microsoft Outlook 2007, receiving prompt: “The information service has not been configured. Select an existing file to configure, or type the name of a new file to create.”
Determine which Archive Folder/Personal Folder/Offline Folder on the left side Navigation Pane is linked to a .PST file that does not exist. The easiest way to do this is to collapse all of the offline folders and try to expand them one at a time.
Thu, Aug 13, 2009
Found New Hardware Wizard pops up randomly or at Windows bootup.
To completely disable this pop up:
For Windows XP 32-bit:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate the following subkey in the registry, and then click it:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
Type SuppressNewHWUI for the name of the DWORD entry, and then press ENTER.
Tue, Aug 11, 2009
Although not officially on the HCL or on any of the whitebox site I could find, I’ve successfully installed VMWare ESXi on a Sun X4100. I had no issues with NICs, Storage, or anything else.
The Sun box has two AMD Opteron 254s and 16GBs of RAM. Now to figure out what to do with it…
Thu, Aug 6, 2009
One of the following errors when opening Microsoft Outlook:
Unable to open the Outlook window
No profile has been created
The list of profiles cannot be loaded
Wed, Aug 5, 2009
I was installing Logmein on my Windows 7 machine, and I received the error above.
Solution – Make sure to prefix the machine name – i.e. WIN7-BOX\User Name
This may be an issue on other OSes as well, but I wanted to make sure anyone in the same situation as me didn’t spend time disabling IPv6 and messing with UAC – in this case the error message wasn’t lying, as it often isn’t…
Wed, Aug 5, 2009
If you enjoy this guide – follow me on Twitter @dreys!
See below for troop numbers you should use when farming Cross, Rose, Lion, Honor, Courage, Wisdom, Freedom, Nation, or Justice medals to ensure the highest likelihood of getting what medal you want/need.
Be sure to wait one hour in between attacking the same valley for troops to regenerate, otherwise you have a much less likely chance to win a medal.
Mon, Jul 27, 2009
The best way to get honor medals with a high drop rate is to attack NPC cities. Level 1-4 have a high drop rate of medals.
Level 3 and 4 NPCs are rumored to have the best drop rates of Honor medals. Unlike my Scout Strategy this isn’t as quick as sending out some scouts. It might help to make an NPC near you using this strategy.
Fri, Jul 24, 2009
NPC Farming in Evony is the act of creating NPCs to attack and steal resources from. It’s a simple process that some say is very lucrative.
1 – Conquer a level 1-4 flat.
2 – Obtain an empty city slot
3 – Build a city
4 – Recall troops
5 – Abandon city (through the Overview menu on your other city)
Fri, Jul 17, 2009
Michelangelo’s Scipt:
Required in order to upgrade a building to level 10 or higher.
-Can be purchased with 50 Cents in-game.
-Sometimes drops from successfully defeating higher level NPC cities or a large amount of enemy troops in player cities or valleys.
-Can be acquired by claiming the “Package for Lords” gift after meeting the requirements.